The main functions of food additives

Release time:Jan 20,2022

Food additives have greatly strengthened the development of the food industry and are hailed as the soul of modern food industry. This is mainly because they bring many benefits to the food industry, and their main functions are roughly as follows:

Food additives have greatly strengthened the development of the food industry and are hailed as the soul of modern food industry. This is mainly because they bring many benefits to the food industry, and their main functions are roughly as follows:
To prevent spoilage, for example, preservatives can prevent food spoilage caused by microorganisms, extend the shelf life of food, and also have the effect of preventing food poisoning caused by microbial contamination. For example, antioxidants can prevent or delay the oxidation and spoilage of food, providing stability and storage resistance, while also preventing the formation of potentially harmful lipid autoxidants. In addition, it can also be used to prevent enzymatic and non enzymatic browning of food, especially fruits and vegetables. These are all meaningful for the preservation of food.
Improving the sensory properties of food by appropriately using food additives such as colorants, color protectants, bleaches, edible spices, emulsifiers, thickeners, etc. can significantly improve the sensory quality of food and meet people's different needs.
Maintaining nutrition and improving nutritional value by appropriately adding certain food nutritional fortifiers that fall within the nutritional range during food processing can greatly enhance the nutritional value of food. This is of great significance in preventing malnutrition and nutrient deficiency, strengthening nutritional balance, and improving people's health levels.
Convenient supply increases variety and convenience. There are already over 20000 types of food available for consumers to choose from in the market. Although most of these foods are produced through partial packaging and different processing methods, in production engineering, some products with complete color, aroma, and taste are mostly added with coloring, aroma enhancement, seasoning, and other food additives to varying degrees. It is precisely these numerous foods, especially the supply of convenient foods, that bring convenience to people's lives and work.
Convenient and convenient food processing. The use of defoamers, filter aids, stabilizers, and coagulants in food processing can be beneficial for food processing operations. For example, when using gluconic acid δ When lactone is used as a coagulant for tofu, it can be beneficial for the mechanization and automation of tofu production.
Other food needs should meet people's different needs as much as possible. For example, if diabetics cannot eat sugar, they can use non nutritional sweeteners or low calorie sweeteners, such as sucralose or aspartate phenylalanine methyl ester, to make sugar free food supplies. Some companies also establish their own additive standards, which prohibit the addition of preservatives, sweeteners, pigments, and spices.